Última Edição
Foreword: Socio-environmental problems, disasters and their consequences in the 21st century
Inhabiting the neoliberal Valparaíso: housing, overcrowding and poverty as a framework for the pandemic
On the Edge: social order, ordinary life and ontological security during the crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemics
Risks and disaster production in Latin America in a climate emergence context
Reflection of the socio-environmental issue from the view of Social Work
The socio-environmental issue of waters and supply and sanitary sewage services between the public and the private
Post-extractivism and socio-environmental devastation in the Rio Doce basin: ecotourism as an economic alternative
Development and disasters: one of the faces of coloniality
Legal framework and mining in mariana-mg
Neoconservadorism and neoliberalism: a dangerous alliance for the work of social work in environmental disasters
Social and environmental disasters: Impacts on Brazil's health policy
Did the sea become an arid hinterland? A study of urban heat islands in the Maré Complex
The other side of “Morar Feliz” in Campos dos Goytacazes / RJ: an official expropriation by the rhetoric of “risk”
Working conditions in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals: the challenges of Agenda 2030
The Intervention of Social Work to the Elderly: Particularities and Challenges
Experiences of the professors nurses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
DUTRA, Adriana Soares Dutra. Gestão de Desastres e Serviço Social: o trabalho de assistentes sociais junto aos órgãos municipais de proteção e defesa civil. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2018. 240 p.