O Social em Questão - Revista do Departamento de Serviço Social PUC-Rio - Página inicial
Rio de Janeiro, 07/02/2025
ISSN 1415-1804 (Impresso) | ISSN 2238-9091 (Online)
Ano 23, n. 48 - set.-dez./2020

Última Edição

Foreword: Socio-environmental problems, disasters and their consequences in the 21st century

Por: Valéria Pereira Bastos, Adriana Soares Dutra e Rafael Trueba Regalado

Inhabiting the neoliberal Valparaíso: housing, overcrowding and poverty as a framework for the pandemic

Por: Ignacio Rojas Rubio, Paula Neumann Novack, Carlos Vergara Constela e Rodrigo Hidalgo Dattwyler

On the Edge: social order, ordinary life and ontological security during the crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemics

Por: Norma Valencio

Risks and disaster production in Latin America in a climate emergence context

Por: Andrea Lampis, Pedro Henrique Campello Torres, Pedro Roberto Jacobi e Ana Lia Leonel

Reflection of the socio-environmental issue from the view of Social Work

Por: Luciana Lima do Nascimento e Nathie Ribeiro Barbosa

The socio-environmental issue of waters and supply and sanitary sewage services between the public and the private

Por: Léia Lima Soares e Masilene Rocha Viana

Post-extractivism and socio-environmental devastation in the Rio Doce basin: ecotourism as an economic alternative

Por: Rodrigo Machado Vilani, Maria Amália Silva Alves de Oliveira, Sara Martins de Araújo Vilani e Carlos José Saldanha Machado

Development and disasters: one of the faces of coloniality

Por: Gabriela Maria Lema Icasuriaga e Alessandra Nascimento Bernardo

Legal framework and mining in mariana-mg

Por: Tamires da Silva Cipriano e Raquel Mota Mascarenhas

Neoconservadorism and neoliberalism: a dangerous alliance for the work of social work in environmental disasters

Por: Luana Fernandes dos Santos Azeredo

Social and environmental disasters: Impacts on Brazil's health policy

Por: Jaline Silva de Araujo Fernandes

Did the sea become an arid hinterland? A study of urban heat islands in the Maré Complex

Por: Carolina Hartmann Galeazzi, Oscar Corbella e Patrícia Drach

The other side of “Morar Feliz” in Campos dos Goytacazes / RJ: an official expropriation by the rhetoric of “risk”

Por: Thaís Lopes Cortes

Working conditions in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals: the challenges of Agenda 2030

Por: Igor Laguna Vieira, Christiane Florinda De Cima Aires, Ubirajara Aluizio de Oliveira Mattos e Elmo Rodrigues da Silva

Por: Lorena Sampaio Almeida, Letícia Alves de Araújo, Ana Lídia Soares Cota e Diego Freitas Rodrigues

The Intervention of Social Work to the Elderly: Particularities and Challenges

Por: Flavia Cavalcante Nicolis de Medeiros

Experiences of the professors nurses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Por: Angelo Ramos Junior, Oclaris Lopes Munhoz, Marcio Rossato Badke, Laís Mara Caetano da Silva, Luiza Cremonese e Silvana Bastos Cogo

DUTRA, Adriana Soares Dutra. Gestão de Desastres e Serviço Social: o trabalho de assistentes sociais junto aos órgãos municipais de proteção e defesa civil. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2018. 240 p.

Por: Antenora Maria da Mata Siqueira


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