O Social em Questão - Revista do Departamento de Serviço Social PUC-Rio - Página inicial
Rio de Janeiro, 06/05/2024
ISSN 1415-1804 (Impresso) | ISSN 2238-9091 (Online)
Ano 22, n. 45 - set.-dez./2019


Por: Aldaiza Sposati e Sindely Alchorne

The Brazilian political scenarios, achievements and challenges for public health policies in the context of HIV / AIDS, and STI’s prevention and treatment

Por: Vladimir Bezerra

Social (dis)protection for seropositive in Post-apartheid South Africa: from racial segregation to neoliberal minimalism

Por: Evandro Alves Barbosa Filho e Ana Cristina de Souza Vieira

The (in) visibility of gender and race in Social Assistance: Case Study in Social Assistance Reference Centers

Por: Priscilla Maia de Andrade e Lucélia Luiz Pereira

In pain and in love: violence and support network in female incarceration

Por: Juliana Diniz, Andrea Seixas Magalhães e Mayla Cosmo Monteiro

Paid domestic work and the problem of social unprotection

Por: Francilene Soares de Medeiros Costa e Tiago Barreto de Andrade Costa

Living and surviving in houses of palafitas in the municipality of Nhamundá/AM

Por: Suélen Colares Barbosa, Alline da Silva Prestes e Sandra Helena da Silva

Income (in)security and social (de)protection in Brazil: some notes for reflection

Por: Bruna Carnelossi

Vision on adoption according to adolescents in institucional shelter

Por: Fabrícia Pavesi Helmer, Janine Pereira da Silva e Raquel de Matos Lopes Gentilli

Menorismo (minority) memoriesin judicial system in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia

Por: Almir Nunes de Moraes Junior e João Diógenes Ferreira dos Santos

Neglect in Childhood: A Reflection on the (Dis)protection of Children and Families

Por: Natália Teixeira Mata

Student assistance as a social protection policy: An extended and intersectoral social security possibility

Por: Cassia Engres Mocelin

Manifestations of social unprotections: relations between neoliberalism and (dis) social protection

Por: Luiza Maria Escardovelli Alcântara e Fabiana Giannetti Duarte

Professional work: protection responsibility in social assistance services

Por: Abigail Silvestre Torres e Stela da Silva Ferreira
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