O Social em Questão - Revista do Departamento de Serviço Social PUC-Rio - Página inicial
Rio de Janeiro, 07/05/2024
ISSN 1415-1804 (Impresso) | ISSN 2238-9091 (Online)
Ano 20, n. 39 - set.-dez./2017


Por: Inez Stampa, Ana Lole e Guido Liguori

Gramsci and the October Revolution

Por: Guido Liguori

Gramsci and the Russian Revolution one century away
Gramsci e as revoluções russas a um século de distância

Por: Massimo Modonesi

Notes on the Russian Revolution and the reflections of Gramsci

Por: Anita Helena Schlesener

Gramsci and the biennio rosso (1919-1920): the experience of the factory councils in Italy

Por: Keila Lúcio de Carvalho

Gramsci and Lukács: towards an antipositivist marxism

Por: Michael Löwy

Gramsci and religion: a reading from the Latin America

Por: Giovanni Semeraro

Notes on human rights and marxism in the 100 years of the Russian Revolution

Por: Vicente A. C. Rodrigues

For a integral theory of hegemony. A contribution from the Latin American experience

Por: Raúl Burgos

The Big Politics in Machiavelli: a Gramscian interpretation

Por: Victor Leandro Chaves Gomes

Gramsci and the national-popular perspective in the field of culture

Por: Mônica Maria Torres de Alencar

Fights and social movements: class commitment with whom?

Por: Inez Stampa e Ana Lole

Category classes and subaltern groups for the brazilian Social Work

Por: Alex Fabiano de Toledo

Gramsci and popular collective actions: a rereading of the brasilian protestsin the period 2013-2015

Por: Telma Cristiane Sasso de Lima
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