O Social em Questão - Revista do Departamento de Serviço Social PUC-Rio - Página inicial
Rio de Janeiro, 06/05/2024
ISSN 1415-1804 (Impresso) | ISSN 2238-9091 (Online)
Ano 19, n. 35 - jan.-jun./2016



Por: Irene Rizzini, Ricardo Fletes Corona, Valeria Llobet e Juliana Batistuta Vale

Paradoxes for solving the complaints of sexual violence from the perspective of guardianship counselors

Por: Vicente de Paula Faleiros e Patrícia Jakeliny F. S. Moraes

Between the diffuse and the occult: the fight against sexual exploitation of children and teenagers within the CREAS

Por: Joana Garcia e Daiane Rodrigues C. Pacheco

The System for Guaranteeing Rights and full protection of children and adolescents: a literature review

Por: Carmen Cecilia Farinelli e Alexandre José Pierini

The minor in the media: manufacture of consent in favor of reducing the age of criminal responsibility

Por: José Carlos Rodrigues e Thaís de Carvalho

Policies for children and adolescents and the importance of nutritionists in shelters

Por: Elaine Ibrahim de Freitas, Maysa Beatriz Mandetta Clementino e Rodrigo Silva Lima

Adolescents, residencial care and poverty: three sides of the same equation?

Por: Gláucia Helena Araújo Russo e Juliana Grasiela da Silva Dantas

Adolescents, residencial care and poverty: three sides of the same equation?

Por: Joelma Trajano dos Santos

The use of psychoactive substances by children and adolescents: the experience of an institution in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro

Por: Kelly Porto e Rachel Gouveia Passos

Adolescents and juvenile offense: considerations on the performance of Social Workers

Por: Sabrina Celestino

Faith in the street culture of Mexican youth

Por: Danielle Strickland

Less talk and more action: purposeful reflections for school inclusion by Mexican students

Por: Norma Del Río Lugo

Transformation of contexts of vulnerability of youth: an alternative for the recognition of youth as actors and agents of their development and social inclusion

Por: Ligia López Moreno e Myriam Salazar Henao

Knowledge about citizenship in public policy for children and adolescents in the municipality of Medellín

Por: Ofelia Roldán Vargas e Germán Darío Hernández Rojas
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